Tuesday, August 17, 2010


school, school, school thats all I see, there's not a vacation in this Vicinity! lol Well we are in Cedar City now and just got mike through summer school and headed into the Fall semesters. I am sure everyone knows how this feels. It's hard enough with Mike, let alone dealing with all of taitons needs as well. We are working on just one day at a time, baby steps! LOL I am not sure Mike knows what Baby steps are, haha. Taiton is growing really good and eating me out of house and home. LOL He is just growing up way to fast. HIs talking is getting a lot better and he counts to three all the time and so punishing his with counting, he just thinks its a game. He makes me smile though. He is into everything, I swear my job as a mom is to just run around picking up after him all day. haha I wouldn't trade it for anything though. I think that Taiton needs a sibling but Mike just isn't ready, cause of the stress of school right now, so sorry this is not an announcement! lol its going to be a while before we get another little Mike! Well I hope everyone is doing well, keep in touch . Love you all!

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